As a company, we are always working in accordance with an ethical approach that is sensitive to cultural, social, economic and environmental events.
When we use worldly resources, we are aiming to have a positive impact on our surroundings and humanity and to entrust future generations with a better world.
We are working to raise the quality of life of the community and the society we live in, to improve the development of our society, especially our employees and their families, and to increase the level of education.
As a company that serves the health sector, we support social responsibility projects, especially health related projects.
Baymed is continuing to contribute to the world by investing in everyday and increasing economic growth, job creation and current account deficit. In addition to this, with the importance we give to the training, we first support the development of our employees with in-house and off-company training activities; we are working to spread the wider mass with the formation of the reading consciousness in our entire team.